X-Cube in United Kingdom

Starting from 2025, we will be opening several locations in the United Kingdom. Most games for the X-Cube are already suitable for the United Kingdom with the English language. Our focus will initially be on the major cities in the United Kingdom such as London, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow, Leeds, Newcastle, Sheffield, Bristol and Edingburg

Keep an eye on this page and/or our social media to track our progress in the market of the United Kingdom.

Fill the map with your own x-cube

Placing an X-Cube in the United Kingdom?

Companies focusing on leisure and entertainment can contact us to discuss the possibilities for an on-site X-Cube. X-Cubes are ideal for expanding an existing portfolio. The X-Cube is only 16m2, requires no operator, and we have games and experiences for various target audiences in different languages, including English and many more.

The X-Cube is ideal for leisure centers, bowling centers, escape room centers, VR centers, shopping malls, holiday parks, hotels, and other locations where entertainment is a significant component.

Contact us for more information.

Over 40 X-Cubes across 25 locations worldwide

Our commitment to bringing innovative entertainment experiences to audiences around the world continues to grow, ensuring that the adventure is never far from your doorstep. Explore our ever-expanding network and find the nearest X-Cube for your next adrenaline rush!